Thursday, August 23, 2007

Learning 2.0? What is Learning 1.0?

To comprehend the idea of Learning 2.0, we should have a solid knowledge of what Learning 1.0 or as most of us call it formal learning, is.

Formal learning takes a variety of forms. For example, our own elementary education, and consequently high school and collage, are generally very formal learning. Then, on to corporate learning which sees a variety of learning tools ranging certification form legal/compliance training to e.learning for fast and cheap(by comparison) deployment of education.

Let's break down some of the more common pieces of Learning 1.0, keeping a focus on corporate learning.

Instructor Lead Training (ILT): We have all experienced this at one point or another, whether in school or at the office. Essentially, ILT is classroom training on a chosen subject. Due to the web, ILT has taken on some changes. Now, these classes can be prepared and delivered online. Major providers of such technology are, iLinc, Webex, Centra, Microsoft and Interwise.
E.Learning: E.Learning is a generally interactive, computer based type of training. Any topic can be converted into E.Learning from machine repair to programming skills. E.Learning content designers use tools, ranging from Flash and Java, to end user authoring tools such as Lectora and Composica to create this content. Usually, the content is engineered to meet one of two industry standards AICC or SCORM.

Learning Management System(LMS): The LMS serves as the tool for distributing, tracking and reporting on training for the company. This is the main tool of choice to facilitate learning for most companies today. Major LMS providers are Saba, KnowledgePlanet,, SumTotal and Plateau.

So in a word what makes up Learning 1.0?


Learning 1.0 is delivering learning an educator believes a student to need or requires a student to have in a format that the educator believes is effective. This in no way implies that the student is getting the information they actually need to do their job faster, easier or effectively.

Next: Web 2.0 concepts


miss2780 said...

One little side note about the topic in your control paragraph. The learning that educators deliver in today's society is not what a they believe a student needs to know. Instead today's educators are forced to deliver the learning that the powers that be decide is necessary however developmentally inappropriate it is for the student. Educators wish they could have more freedom in delivering the knowledge. I agree that students are missing the info they need to be successful because they are missing key building blocks that they will need for the future.

Matt Shandera said...

I completely agree. Being married to a teacher myself, I hear this as a great concern every day. Personally, I find it ironic that this "top down" approach permeates both the elementary/secondary education field and the corporate world.